‘Octomom’ Nadya Suleman
I Never Wanted To Be Famous!!!
Nadya Suleman — AKA “Octomom” — is opening up about the public scrutiny she faced after gaining international notoriety for becoming the first woman to deliver 8 healthy octuplets in 2009.
The mother of 14 kids in total says all the attention was unwanted, since she never wanted to be famous in the first place. In a ‘GMA’ interview Thursday, Nadya acknowledged that not being married, and struggling to support her huge brood, were the main reasons she faced death threats, condemnation, and misplaced hate.
Nadya also got real about what she says is the huge misconception she was fame-hungry. She revealed that, in reality, she was painfully shy and had always dreamed of getting her Ph.D. in psychology. But, with everything blowing up, it all became overwhelming and eventually landed her in rehab.
She came out on the other side and continued raising her brood, who encouraged her to tell her truth — which she’s doing with two upcoming Lifetime shows, “I Was Octomom” and “Confessions of Octomom.”
Nadya already had 6 kids when she made headlines in 2009 and was dubbed “Octomom,” reaching out to the public for financial assistance.
This all came about after Dr. Michael Kamrava implanted 12 embryos via IVF, not 6 as he told her he did … and despite the industry standard of only 2 embryos. Kamrava later had his medical license revoked for his actions.